Friday, July 26, 2013

Milo Thornberry has stroke

Milo Thornberry has stroke

Milo Thornberry (唐培禮), a US missionary who worked in Taiwan in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and who published his memoirs about his time in Taiwan, titled Fireproof Moth, had a stroke in April. His wife, Connie, wrote about it in an e-mail.
Since some of your readers know of Thornberry’s work from a number of news stories, interviews and book reviews that have appeared in the Taipei Times (and the Liberty Times) over the past few years, they may want to know of his condition.
Connie Thornberry’s e-mail reads: “Milo had a major stroke with damage to his speech, memory, physical abilities and vision. This is all very terrible for a man of intelligence and graciousness and who is so concerned about Taiwan and its future.”
“He’s currently doing speech, vision, physical and occupational out-patient therapies here in Oregon, and he may regain some of his health. But, of course, our lives have changed dramatically,” she wrote.

“Often strokes damage only one side but he got a double whammy out of his. He’s come a long way since April and we’re very grateful for that. He has accepted it with the grace that makes him so much ‘Milo,’ and we’re hoping for enough restoration that he can become interested in at least most of what he was aware before,” she wrote.


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